Author:XIE Hanrong
Publisher: School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering
Date: February 6, 2024
In a remarkable feat of scientific innovation, Professor Guan Heyuan, Associate Professor Yang Tiefeng, and Professor Lu Huihui, leading the Optical Waveguide Integration Technology and Device Team at JNU's School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, have unveiled a groundbreaking research achievement in the domain of semiconductor micro nano optoelectronic integrated devices.
Their seminal work, titled Dual Crossbar Configuration Bi2O2Se Device for Multiple Optoelectronic Applications, has been published in the prestigious journal Laser Photonics & Reviews, renowned for its contributions to the field of optics and boasting an impressive Impact Factor of 11.0.
(Screenshot of the paper)
By harnessing the unique properties of two-dimensional materials to create highly compact multifunctional integrated optoelectronic devices, the team has opened up new avenues for developing high-performance photonic devices grounded in low-dimensional semiconductors. This pioneering approach not only showcases the team's ingenuity but also underscores the vast research and application potential of leveraging ultra-thin and ultra-sensitive surfaces in semiconductor devices.
The success of this research endeavor was further bolstered by the invaluable contributions of researcher Wang Zhen from the Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, as well as the unwavering support from a multitude of funding sources including the National Natural Science Foundation, National Major Projects, Guangdong Provincial Natural Science Outstanding Youth Fund, Guangdong International Cooperation Project, Guangzhou Science and Technology Plan Project, and JNU.
For those eager to delve into the intricacies of this transformative research, the original paper can be accessed through the following link: [Original Link]
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