Date: Dec. 23, 2021
Source: News Center.
Author: Yang Ziwei (Student Reporter)
Li Xue joined JNU's Institute of Mass Spectrometry and Atmospheric Environment when it was founded in 2014. In 2016, the Guangdong Special Support Program selected her as a Science and Technology Innovation Young Talents, and in 2021 she was approved for a National Natural Science Foundation of China's Excellent Young Scientists Fund project.
(Li Xue)
In the next three years, Li will lead a research team working on developing high-performance instruments, creating large-scale sample databases and demonstrating high-level technology. Li believes the project’s challenge is to expand into bioinformatics, an underexplored research field.
(Li's team)
The project's successful application was inseparable from the power of teamwork, Li said. Comparing the students to frontline staff in experimenting and her eyes and hands, she described herself as the project's chief designer who controls the direction and pace, tries to obtain more resources for the research team and integrates them.
(Current members of Li's team)
(Li's team-building activities)
As a member of the Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences' Professional Committee on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), Li takes her students to participate in academic conferences every year. I would encourage them to apply for oral presentations to improve themselves, She said.
(Li and her students in China POPs Forum 2021)
(Li and her students in the sixth Conference on Environmental Pollution and Health)
(Li in the laboratory)
Outside work, Li lies to travel and gather with friends -- experiences that reflect her lifestyle of having fun in both research and life.
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